California Eminent Domain Project News: CHSRA Gives Thumbs Up on Fresno-Bakersfield Track

Posted & filed under California Eminent Domain Project News.

On May 7, California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) board members voted on the next section of the rail project. The two-part vote resulted in the approval of the 114-mile route from downtown Fresno to the northern outskirts of Bakersfield. The first part of the vote was dedicated to the 20,000 page Environmental Impact Report… Read more »

California Eminent Domain Project News: Senate Committee Rejects Attempts at Another Vote for the California High Speed Rail

Posted & filed under California Eminent Domain Project News, In the News.

The ongoing tug-of-war between rail backers and opponents to the project has led to delays in California’s plan to build a high speed rail. Since its voter-back initiative, Proposition 1A, was passed back in 2008, the California High Speed Rail project has encountered numerous bumps in the road. The latest was the appeal denied by… Read more »