By A.J. Hazarabedian

The San Bernardino Associated Governments (“SANBAG”) Board shot down a resolution of necessity to begin eminent domain proceedings to acquire property for the sbX Rapid Transit System project this week.  The San Bernardino Sun indicated in their article, “High-speed bus plan hits snag,” that the Board did not adopt the resolution because of the growing disapproval of affected business owners.

Per the article, affected business owners are claiming that not only will part of the property be taken, but “the proposed dedicated bus line will discourage commerce by forcing drivers to make u-turns into businesses instead of the left turns they make now.”

The Board recommended that more negotiations with property and business owners take place prior to initiating eminent domain proceedings.  More than likely, another resolution of necessity will be on the Board agenda in the coming months.  A “resolution of necessity” is a government agency’s formal decision to acquire property by eminent domain.

The sbX project would impact 151 properties, a few involving a full take, some requiring a “sliver take” of between 1 and 15 feet, and others requiring only a temporary construction easement.