San Mateo County suing to gain land for crucial landslide repair in La Honda; San Mateo County Times, 9/23/08
Homeowner so far refusing to sell land that would allow repairs to be completed on project By Julia Scott LA HONDA — San Mateo County attorneys have begun eminent domain proceedings against a La Honda landowner who has so far refused to sell his property to the county for an urgent local land repair project…. Read more »
Eminent domain issue causes fractious debate; Press-Telegram, 9/16/08
By Paul Eakins LONG BEACH – Residents and business owners concerned about losing their properties confronted city officials Tuesday over a proposed 12-year extension of eminent domain power in North Long Beach. The North Long Beach Redevelopment Plan was established in 1996 and gave the city a 12-year power of eminent domain, which allows governments… Read more »
Eminent-domain process moves ahead on Calvert’s Jurupa parcel: The Press-Enterprise, 8/29/08
By Sandra Stokley GLEN AVON – Just days after voters overwhelmingly backed the use of eminent domain to seize 4.3 acres from Rep. Ken Calvert and his investment partners, Jurupa park officials are already planning their next steps. On Sept. 11, the Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District board of directors is set to certify… Read more »
City pays for store’s relocation expenses: The Downey Patriot, 8/29/08
DOWNEY—After exercising eminent domain powers to take control of a local cash advance shop, the city will pay approximately $180,000 for its relocation costs. The City Council approved the lump sum payment this week. The city took control of the Speedy Cash at 8850 Imperial Hwy. earlier this year as part of its Lakewood Boulevard… Read more »
Baldwin Park scales back redevelopment plan: San Gabriel Valley Tribune, 8/28/08
By Tania Chatila BALDWIN PARK – City officials plan to scale back their downtown redevelopment project and leave untouched 40 homes originally slated for demolition. The decision was made in the last two weeks and announced at Wednesday’s City Council meeting. Officials say they chose to exclude the properties – which comprise about 16 acres… Read more »
Downey to use eminent domain on corner site: Los Angeles Wave, 8/30/07
By Arnold Adler DOWNEY — The City Council Tuesday night unanimously authorized the use of eminent domain to force property owners to sell the city some 896 square feet of right-of-way to continue the $19 million Lakewood Boulevard widening project. Public Works Director Desi Alvarez said the property, currently containing parking and landscaping, is the… Read more »
Developer won’t oust popular gym; he’ll build project around it: Union Tribune, 8/30/07
By Tanya Sierra NATIONAL CITY – A developer proposing a block-long housing and retail project that includes a 24-story condominium tower has said he no longer wants to displace a popular National City athletic center. But that’s not stopping the gym’s lawyers from challenging the city’s eminent domain authority. Jim Beauchamp said this week that… Read more »
Downtown Fresno Businesses Not Yet Worried About Forest City Project: ABC30, 8/27/07
By Maureen Naylor The Fresno city council Tuesday will decide if it wants to move forward on a new Forest City plan to develop an area in downtown Fresno. Plans call for a major makeover along Mono Street, apartments for 2,000 people, with roundabouts, fountains and a park. But for this to happen the city… Read more »
Eminent domain fears in Seaside: The Monterey Herald, 8/25/07
By Andre Briscoe A workshop this week aimed at educating the public and Seaside city officials on the rules governing California redevelopment did little to ease fears of at least one property owner, who is worried his home could be a victim of the city’s development plans. Ernest Glover, president of Southern California-based GRC Redevelopment… Read more »
Governor worries over bid to limit land seizures: The Sacramento Bee, 8/22/07
By Kevin Yamamura A proposed initiative limiting how governments seize private property has drawn concerns from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and a Republican state senator that it could block construction of dams and a Delta canal. A legal analysis issued this week by Richard Martland, a former state attorney general official, argues that the eminent domain… Read more »