Tulare County to Decide on Eminent Domain, 2/1/10

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By A.J. Hazarabedian At Tuesday’s Tulare County Board of Supervisors meeting, the board will decide whether or not to begin eminent domain proceedings to acquire four parcels for the widening of Road 108. As reported in the Visalia Times-Delta article, “Eminent domain on county board’s agenda,” funding for the project was approved in Spring 2009. … Read more »

Tulare County Board of Supervisors to vote on getting more land for Road 80 widening plan; Visalia Times-Delta, 10/20/09

Posted & filed under In the News.

By Valerie Gibbons Tulare County officials, who’ve placed eminent domain claims on three pieces of property as part of the widening of Road 80, may do the same for 19 additional parcels. The Tulare County Board of Supervisors will vote Wednesday on whether to ask a court to allow the use of eminent domain. Hearings… Read more »